Hi! Welcome to my site. If this page stays up for more than a few seconds it probably means you have scripts disabled in your browser. This site requires scripts to be enabled to function properly. They are used to create the photo category menus and photo galleries, as well as make the menu options on the right work. I wrote all of the code behind this entire site myself. I encourage you to turn on scripts so you can properly view the site.

If you are interested in further information about my photography services please contact me.

Email me <- I usually don't check email until the evening.

Call me: 330-348-9747 <- this is my cell phone.
If I don't answer your call I am probably busy with a job, but PLEASE leave me a voice mail with some phone numbers I can reach you at during the day and into the evening and how late I can call. I would be happy to call back as late as 10PM if that works better for you.

Located in Macedonia, OH
(sorry, I don't accept unscheduled walk-ins since I don't have a full-time receptionist)

I cover most of Northeast Ohio without any travel charges, but I have done work all over the country so don't be afraid to call me if your project or event is not in Northeast Ohio.

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